November landscape

The Silvery look of November in Waterloo county.

I've been fortunate to spend some time on back roads in the Waterloo/Perth/Oxford regions lately.   Even though the striking colours of fall have all but faded, I am still mesmerized by the silvery look of late fall.  

The image below in a barn in the old village of Greenfield.. which is just a cluster of small homes, outside the small town of Ayr.  I love this barn and the whimsical flow of the vines over the fence below it.

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness

This is another rural - Ayr location, taken early in the morning before an appointment.   I know the composition is good but not spectacular.. there is something more to this image that gives me that "I've been here before" kind of feeling.   I can't quite put my finger on it and yet the image grabs my attention.  Here it is below:

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness

This next image is one of my favourites from my outing.    Not moody as the above, but more like wow I'm driving along and I see this!   I love the look of those old tobacco sheds.

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness

Here is another favourite, although from an earlier day, still the same kind of silvery look.  This one gives way to the imagination, there is something dream like about it.  See below:

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness

The next image, well what can I say, I have a special love for rural fence lines:

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness

The next image, shows some very subtle field lines, the day was foggy, this is what I saw:

Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness
Waterloo county landscape photo by Susan Arness


And here we are... at day's end.   Time for a bowl of warm soup and a nap !

~ Susan