port clyde maine

Marshall Point Lighthouse, Port Clyde, Maine - Christmas 2016

Welcome back to my blog!   I haven't done any landscape photos this past week.. it happens.   A mini "dry spell" is all it is. 

This is a photo which I took last year almost to the day.  It has a somber but romantic, thoughtful atmosphere.   When you look at the girl walking, you imagine she is being quietly reflective as she walks.  She is soaking up the environment, the sounds of the water and the wind. Maybe she is thinking about her family, or her future. I imagine she feels good inside, and she realizes that her life is stable and blessed.  Even the color and style of her clothing matches that of the environment.  Although the scene is dull and cold, the lighthouse symbolized hope and light, and the wreath a quiet expression of Christmas.

It's been a pleasure sharing this with you

For more landscape photos please visit https://www.arnessphotography.net/

~ susan