Olympus Camera

End of day... rural Waterloo region

I shot this at the end of a busy day… I was driving home and even though I was exhausted bent on coming home I just had to stop and photograph this! Even being there made me feel rejuvenated. I’m so glad I stopped.

Rural Wellesley Black and White Image

How I love black and white photography!

I think I am drawn to it because it brings out the contours in a landscape, and cuts away from the “busyness” of colour. It also feels more “moody”.

rural wellesley.jpg

Rural Waterloo Region Photography - Horses, Truck and Barnyard - Just horsin' around!

It took me several different angles to get the one I wanted here. This picture makes me smile. I love the combination of horses/truck and barnyard. It’s so rural Waterloo Region isn’t it? The horse are all looking at a Mennonite family on the road with their horses & buggy. Shot on New Year’s Day 2019.

Quiet morning in Waterloo Region

With my background in real estate photography, I am so accustomed to shooting photos in bright light. This one goes against my grain but that’s the fun of it - challenging ourselves to do the out of the ordinary. This was taken very early one morning in October outside a Mennonite church north of Waterloo. Morning is so magical. You can almost “hear” the silence in this photo.

Fall colours while we still have them!

This photo is from early October but I thought I’d post this before too long. The colours change so quickly! This was shot on an off the beaten path kind of dirt road north of Waterloo.

Beautiful Rural Waterloo Region

Taken earlier this year... I love the misty look and vantage point from the hill!

It almost reminds me of a Grandma Moses type painting - there are a few spots in our area that have such scenes.  


November birds in Flight

It was brought to my attention today that this photo is in my site banner but not in a post!   How easy it is to forget things so obvious.

This photo comes with a story.

As artists we sometimes have our dry spells where we don't feel inspired to produce anything.  This spell of mine lasted a year or so.... until.... one day in November 2015 I was pulled over to the side of the road in a rural area between Kitchener and Guelph.  I was swamped with appointment requests and other emails - and I needed a break.   As I sat in my car I noticed that every time a car drove by this group of birds (starlings?) would all take flight and then re-settle.   I always have my camera by my side so it was easy to snap this one!  I am thrilled how sharp the detail came out on the birds as they are flying.  Some of them look rather comical to me -like little pocket sized rockets.  They all have a different flying position which makes this a fun photo to peruse.  I also like the fact that the background is very natural and somewhat disorderly.  Quite often we like to produce "clean" images but this one is exactly how I saw it.

I'm happy to say after this day my dry spell had broken and I haven't had one since then)))

So much fun to share this story.


This photo is also displayed (plaque -mounted)at the Uptown Gallery in the Waterloo Town Square!   

One last note, this and most other photos can be cropped to a panoramic size photograph if that is the look you want in decorating your home.  Typically all my photos are cropped to one extent or another.

Cold day in Waterloo County

Another one of my snow, fence lines and winter photos... Waterloo County.  I have returned to this same spot in other seasons, believe it it doesn't not always look like this.  Still, despite the cold, there is great beauty to this landscape.

Snow, fence lines, winter, Waterloo county

Winter Farm - Waterloo Region

One of my favourite photos.   I drove past this on my way to an appointment,  thought about it, turned around and returned to the spot to photograph it.  So glad I did.  This one looks amazing printed on aluminum.