Another "Before Sundown" on the Avon Trail, Waterloo Region
Another "End of Day" in Waterloo Region
Taken near Floradale and Yatton
Before Sundown
On occasion I shoot abstract photos… they are fun! This photo was taken on an evening walk in rural Waterloo Region in Ontario, on the Avon Trail.
End of day... rural Waterloo region
I shot this at the end of a busy day… I was driving home and even though I was exhausted bent on coming home I just had to stop and photograph this! Even being there made me feel rejuvenated. I’m so glad I stopped.
Colours on barn roof
from my files - Sept 2017
Fall Colours - Waterloo Region
Green Door
Mennonite Farm - Tree Fort and Woodpile
The Quiet in the Land....
It truly was this peaceful standing here.
Early Morning Farm in Waterloo County
There is nothing quite like the early morning light in the countryside.
Lovely Barn Door
Lovely Barn Door
Ontario Barn
I saw this while driving in rural Waterloo county in Ontario. The red poking through the trees and snow really caught my attention. I love shooting scenes which are peaceful.
Frosty, foggy, sunny morning in Wellesley, Ontario
I am entirely pleased with this photo which I shot about ten days ago. I was on the outskirts of Wellesely, Ontario early one morning. It was brutally cold. A fog rose above the Nith River, which also froze on all the trees. There was also a sparkle in the air as the water particles in the atmosphere froze. I love the colour and peaceful feeling it imparts.
Cold Day in January
The fields have flooded and frozen over repeatedly, creating interesting patterns
Fall Photo in Rural Wellesley
One of my photos from last weekend. I love how the horse seems to lean into the hill.
Rural Waterloo Region Photography - Horses, Truck and Barnyard - Just horsin' around!
It took me several different angles to get the one I wanted here. This picture makes me smile. I love the combination of horses/truck and barnyard. It’s so rural Waterloo Region isn’t it? The horse are all looking at a Mennonite family on the road with their horses & buggy. Shot on New Year’s Day 2019.
Fall colours while we still have them!
This photo is from early October but I thought I’d post this before too long. The colours change so quickly! This was shot on an off the beaten path kind of dirt road north of Waterloo.
Here's looking at you
Life on the farm, rural Waterloo Region.
Rural Waterloo Region - Apple Orchard
Beautiful apple trees with farms in distance. Rural Waterloo Region just north of town on the road to Heidelberg.
I love the view down to the farms!