from my files - Sept 2017
Landscape Photography - Dog Included.
Taken in rural Waterloo area (Floradale).
Fall colours while we still have them!
This photo is from early October but I thought I’d post this before too long. The colours change so quickly! This was shot on an off the beaten path kind of dirt road north of Waterloo.
Here's looking at you
Life on the farm, rural Waterloo Region.
Rural Waterloo Region - Apple Orchard
Beautiful apple trees with farms in distance. Rural Waterloo Region just north of town on the road to Heidelberg.
I love the view down to the farms!
Beautiful Rural Waterloo Region
Taken earlier this year... I love the misty look and vantage point from the hill!
It almost reminds me of a Grandma Moses type painting - there are a few spots in our area that have such scenes.
Art Exhibition of Photography, Mixed Media, Glass and Jewelry - Uptown Gallery Waterloo
I am happy to announce that I am now a member of the Uptown Waterloo Gallery- with the Chesley House Label!
The gallery is easy to visit- located in the indoor mall, Uptown Waterloo.
I am thrilled to be a featured artist at this event!
February Snow
I had the opportunity to travel twice to the Fergus/Elora area last week. Taking the side roads I found this:
See how the snow flies off the roof! Also note the broken barn door - you can see right through the barn to the field behind. Very snowy day.
Great weekend for photography - area south of Baden, Ontario
Last weekend I had a lot of fun shooting landscapes. I took two trips, one south of Brantford, Ontario and the other south of Baden, Ontario.
I typically do a lot of black and white photography but during these two trips I ended up with mostly colour photos. I like to surprise myself.
This one (below) is one of my favourites. I actually thought I had finished shooting for the day when this "popped" into my view.
Here is a farm that I have passed by on many occasions - just outside Ayr, Ontario. The clouds were nice so I took a photo- again.
Here is another colourful one. (see below) The barn is blue, and at that time the sky had turned pink. Interesting combination of colours. The sky was rapidly changing second by second as the sun was going down.
By the way, no crazy photoshop tricks going on here, this is the real deal! I actually shy away from heavy "photo-shopping" - the closer to the truth the better in my opinion. There are exceptions to this, but I will explain when that kind of photo comes up.
Next - can you tell I love barns? They remind me of my home (one of my childhood homes) in Farmington, Maine. Barns give me a visual sense of comfort. I picture myself running around with my sister and a bunch of cats, playing games. Or sitting on the grass and drawing, taking photos, or daydreaming. The weathered look is so appealing. This barn is outside of New Dundee, Ontario. I only "discovered" it the other day. I love the fence line. I think this image is a bit "crowded" but it is what it is.
Next image - I have quite a few!!! This one was on the drive back from Brantford, Ontario to Waterloo, Ontario. Old tobacco houses... soon to be a thing of the past. I loved how they stood in a row. Reminded me of those scenes from coastal England where you see beach house after beach house all in a row. Next time I see this I am going to try something with a zoom lens. I think a layer of snow might also make it even nicer.
This photo (below) and the two above were shot using the "dramatic tone" filter on my Olympus camera. I sometimes shy away from filters but this one really brings out the mood of the late fall season - cloudy, dark, cold, sunny, snow-in-the-air kind of feeling mood. This farm outside of Baden, Ontario
And here is yet another field photo... great lines and dramatic look.
Last but not least - THIS. I won't say a lot about it except that I am thrilled to have taken this. I love the way the light falls between the trees on the left. The sun was coming right at my camera. It wasn't easy getting this one. I think I took twenty shots and this is the one with the least splotches.
Have you noticed that most of my photos all have that rectangular size to them? It is my favourite shape for photos. It is also a familiar format as I shoot real estate panoramic views when I am not doing landscapes.
All images are for sale! If you see something you need to have, let me know and we can work out the right size, frame and shipping.